
2023, chopsticks, glue, 104 x 50" Taiwan Residency Installation

2023, chopsticks, glue, 104 x 50"

Detail of base (roots)

2023, chopsticks, glue, 104 x 50"; papier-mâché, wire, 38 x 46" Taiwan Residency Installation

Interview photoshoot with shadows on the wall from sculpture. Taiwan Residency Installation

2023, papier-mâché, wire, 38 x 46" (replicas of To-Go boxes) Taiwan Residency

2023, salvaged teak patio furniture, acrylic, wire Collaboration with Giel Louws from The Netherlands. He made the stitched bags with bunnies inside.

Detail of install

Detail of Giel's embroidered bags and papier-mâché bunnies.

2020, acrylic, plaster, Gator board, 72 x 213" Commission for Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego

Installation at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, 2020
Click image to enlarge